Thursday, May 17

Sanitization against Sql injection attacks.

Here is what I use to sanitize my text input before inserting into DB. Most of the code is from a msdn article on how to avoid sql injection attacks.

   29         /// 
   30         /// make search text input sql safe.
   31         /// 
   32         /// 
   33         /// 
   34         private static string SafeSqlLikeClauseLiteral(string inputSQL)
   35         {
   36             // Make the following replacements:
   37             // '  becomes  ''
   38             // [  becomes  [[]
   39             // %  becomes  [%]
   40             // _  becomes  [_]
   42             string s = inputSQL;
   43             s = inputSQL.Replace("'", "''");
   44             s = s.Replace("[", "[[]");
   45             s = s.Replace("%", "[%]");
   46             s = s.Replace("_", "[_]");
   47             return s;
   48         }

   49         /// 
   50         /// make text input sql safe
   51         /// 
   52         /// 
   53         /// 
   54         private static string SafeSqlLiteral(string inputSQL)
   55         {
   56             return inputSQL.Replace("'", "''");
   57         }

   58         /// 
   59         /// convert '' to ' when returning to the user, Remember, only to be used
   60         /// when returning strings to user.
   61         /// 
   62         /// 
   63         /// 
   64         private static string Desanitize(string output)
   65         {
   66             return output.Replace("''", "'");
   67         }

Thanks for that post. I'm using pass-through SQL for a particular project that I'm working on. I'll eventually convert to sprocs, but not just yet. I think I'll incorporate your observations in the project.
Sql injection is quite common on projects with "Search" functionality and ones that use a lot of dynamic sql. Let me know any best practices that you follow.
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